
How can a new user join the chatroom in XMPP server?

I have established the connection to XMPP server. My question is if there is a Chat Room and new user wants to join, Should I user below Smack class to get it registered?

AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.getInstance(connection);
accountManager.createAccount(username, password);

Will it create new users to join Room or will it create new user to Main Server. Please help to understand. Thank you!


  • Mentioned class and method createAccount create new account on server as you can read from the Github code:


         * Creates a new account using the specified username and password. The server may
         * require a number of extra account attributes such as an email address and phone
         * number. In that case, Smack will attempt to automatically set all required
         * attributes with blank values, which may or may not be accepted by the server.
         * Therefore, it's recommended to check the required account attributes and to let
         * the end-user populate them with real values instead.
         * @param username the username.
         * @param password the password.
         * @throws XMPPErrorException
         * @throws NoResponseException
         * @throws NotConnectedException
         * @throws InterruptedException
        public void createAccount(Localpart username, String password) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException  {
            // Create a map for all the required attributes, but give them blank values.
            Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
            for (String attributeName : getAccountAttributes()) {
                attributes.put(attributeName, "");
            createAccount(username, password, attributes);