
WSHttpBinding: Entropy.BinarySecret role in message encryption

I am writing a simple SOAP client application in Python.

WSDL file can be found here:

Unfortunately the server declared usage of wsHttpBinding in its WSDL file and I had to learn how many troubles it brings to not-.NET developers.

I have working C# code (and it is pretty simple there) and used Fiddler to capture the traffic and analyze messages. Now I know the structure to follow. Client sends 2 subsequental messages.

I managed to create and send first request and receive a response from the server. BUT second request is a way more complex. I have found a library signxml which helped me to create <Signature> structure with all the fields that should present (as per captured traffic).

But the server continues to answer with "Error 500: An error occurred when verifying security for the message."

I realized that in the first message I put just random values for the following structure:

        <trust:RequestSecurityToken xmlns:trust="">

The value of BinarySecret is just a random string encoded with Base64. I think this should be an issue on this stage. I also do not use the same parameters from server's response.

Could anyone explain how should I use Entropy.BinarySecret - should it take part in the calculations of Signature and how it is used?


  • Answering my own question. Yes, the issue was in improper usage of Entropy parameter.

    To sign the message you need to generate a key, it consists of two parts (client entropy and server's entropy). They get combined with P_SHA1 algorithm into a key.

    To anyone who find this post in the future: for Python have a look on signxml library and section 4 of ws-trust spec.