Getting Null Pointer
error when unit testing controller. The issue seem to be in the line
def signupUser = Action.async{
implicit request => { //requeust seem to be null
I suspect so because the stacktrace from previous tests point to implicit request line. But I don’t know what could be wrong in this because I am using FakeRequest like so val request = FakeRequest("POST", "/ws/users/signup").withJsonBody(Json.parse("""{"bad": "field"}"""))
Following is a snippet of a controller I want to unit-test
class UserController @Inject()(userRepo: UsersRepository,cc: ControllerComponents, silhouette: Silhouette[JWTEnv])(implicit exec: ExecutionContext) extends AbstractController(cc){
def signupUser = Action.async{
implicit request => {...}
I only want to test that the controller returns an error when it gets a request without json
body. Thus I don't need Silhouette
and I want to mock it. But I am getting null pointer error.
Following is the way I have written my unit test case is
class UserControllerUnitSpec extends PlaySpec with MockitoSugar {
"User signup request with non-JSON body" should {
"return 400 (Bad Request) and the validation text 'Incorrect body type. Body type must be JSON'" in {
val email = ""
val loginInfo = LoginInfo(CredentialsProvider.ID, email);
val passwordInfo = PasswordInfo("someHasher","somePassword",Some("someSalt"))
val internalUserProfile = InternalUserProfile(loginInfo,true,Some(passwordInfo))
val externalUserProfile = ExternalUserProfile(email,"d","d",Some("somePassword"))
val userProfile = UserProfile(Some(internalUserProfile),externalUserProfile)
val user = User(UUID.randomUUID(),userProfile)
println("testing with mocked User value",user);
val mockUserRepository = mock[UsersRepository]
val mockSilhouette = mock[Silhouette[JWTEnv]] //I am probably not doing this correctly
val mockControllerComponents = mock[ControllerComponents] //I am not sure if this is correct either
val controller = new UserController(mockUserRepository,mockControllerComponents,mockSilhouette)
val result:Future[Result] = controller.signupUser(FakeRequest())
( => {
println("response: ",response)
response mustBe BadRequest
Regarding mockControllerComponents
, Helpers.stubControllerComponents
can be used instead of a mock:
val mockControllerComponents = Helpers.stubControllerComponents()
Regarding mockSilhouette
, you have to setup the mock using when(...).thenReturn(...)
similarly to how you have done it formockUserRepository
, that is, inspect all the usages of silhouette
inside signupUser
and provide the appropriate method stubs:
val mockSilhouette = mock[Silhouette[JWTEnv]]