I would like to express the following Haskell code, using only functor algebra (i.e. - not relying on any specific container type, such as List
ys = zipWith (+) (head xs : repeat 0)
(tail xs ++ [y])
It seems to me that there ought to be a way to do this, relying only on Foldable
(or, maybe, Traversable
), but I can't see it.
I'm wondering:
The first part of your question (combining the first value of a structure with one thing and leaving the rest the same) can be done in a straightforward way with Traversable
. We'll use State
, start it off with the function we want to apply, and modify it to id
onlyOnHead :: Traversable t => (a -> a) -> t a -> t a
onlyOnHead f xs = evalState (traverse go xs) f where
go x = do
fCurrent <- get
put id
return (fCurrent x)
You can rotate elements with a similar idea: we'll rotate a list, and stuff that in our State
as the thing to draw elements from.
rotate :: Traversable t => t a -> t a
rotate xs = evalState (traverse go xs) (rotateList (toList xs)) where
rotateList [] = []
rotateList vs = tail vs ++ [head vs]
go _ = do
v:vs <- get
put vs
return v