I have to calculate the Webpage-Rendering time on each navigation with in the Automation framework created with embeded[Ruby-capybara-selenium-cucumber]. some Webpages are Ajax developed.
SIGNIN_BTN = "//div/button[contains(.,'Sign In')]"
VERIFY_BTN = "//div/button[contains(.,'NEXTBUTTON')]"
t1 = Time.now
visit "http://google.com"
t2 = Time.now
pageloadtime1 = t2-t1
puts pageloadtime1
t3 = Time.now
find(:xpath, SIGNIN_BTN).click
t4 = Time.now
pageloadtime2 = t4-t3
puts pageloadtime2
t5 = Time.now
find(:xpath, VERIFY_BTN ).click
t6 = Time.now
pageloadtime3 = t6-t5
puts pageloadtime3
But as per logic, it doesn't give a complete page-rendering time,
instead at a click instantly the time is given as output before the
page-rendering/DOM is completed.
This works for me.
calculating with Ruby and Jscript - document.readyState, Create a generic method and call it.
SIGNIN_BTN = "//div/button[contains(.,'Sign In')]"
NEXT_BTN = "//div/button[contains(.,'NEXTBUTTON')]"
visit "https://gmail.com/"
timewait = pagetime_time
puts "LAUNCH GMAIL | PAGELOAD TIME :#{timewait}"
find(:xpath, SIGNIN_BTN).click
timewait = pagetime_time
puts "SIGN IN GMAIL | PAGELOAD TIME :#{timewait}"
find(:xpath, NEXT_BTN ).click
timewait = pagetime_time
puts "NEXT GMAIL | PAGELOAD TIME :#{timewait}"
def pagetime_time
time1 = Time.now
timeloop = 0
while timeloop < 500
if (Capybara.current_session.driver.execute_script('var browserState = document.readyState; return browserState;') == 'complete')
time2 = Time.now
timeloop + 1
timeWait = (time2 - time1) * 1000
return timeWait