In my plotting code, I'm using a for loop
frame(S) = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]); % pre-allocate frames structure
for i = 1 : round(N/S) : N
some plotting code..
axis equal
frame(i) = getframe();
and then using VideoWriter:
video = VideoWriter('My_movie.avi', 'Uncompressed AVI');
video.FrameRate = 60;
writeVideo(video, frame);
hold off
But I'm getting the error
The 'cdata' field of FRAME must not be empty.
I know what the issue is but am not sure how to resolve it.
The values for i are 1,5,9,13...
which means that frames 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12, etc would be empty.
I think I need an inner loop, just before I call the getframe() function but am not sure how to do so properly and perhaps iterate over the index.
Currently, I have tried coding this inner loop:
for j = 1:S
frame(j) = getframe();
However, the simulation is now running extremely slow because of this inner loop.
The way you code your loop, you are not assigning data to each frame. You pre-allocate S
frames (frame numbers 1
through S
), but then assign data to S
frames with indices 1
through N
). This makes no sense to me.
But it seems that you use i
also to draw your animation, where you do want to skip "frames".
The way to do so properly is like this:
frame(S) = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]); % pre-allocate frames structure
for j = 1:S
i = j * round(N/S);
% some plotting code..
axis equal
frame(j) = getframe();
Here, each frame in the range 1:S
is assigned data, but i
still skips values like it does in your code.