While working in a sparkSql UDAF function I find some of my input columns turns from null to 0 unexpectedly.
With some REPL practice, it turns out the behavior is of scala 2.10.5.
code snap as bellow
import scala.collection.mutable
val wa = mutable.WrappedArray.make[Int](Array(null, null))
Would you please someone family with scala help explain why and what is happening behind the hood?
You called method make[Int]
which is declared as follows:
def make[T](x: AnyRef): WrappedArray[T] = (x match {
case null => null
case x: Array[AnyRef] => new ofRef[AnyRef](x)
case x: Array[Int] => new ofInt(x)
case x: Array[Double] => new ofDouble(x)
case x: Array[Long] => new ofLong(x)
case x: Array[Float] => new ofFloat(x)
case x: Array[Char] => new ofChar(x)
case x: Array[Byte] => new ofByte(x)
case x: Array[Short] => new ofShort(x)
case x: Array[Boolean] => new ofBoolean(x)
case x: Array[Unit] => new ofUnit(x)
In your case x
is Array(null, null)
which is instance of Array[AnyRef]
, so make
creates and returns instance of class ofRef[AnyRef]
which is declared as:
final class ofRef[T <: AnyRef](val array: Array[T]) extends WrappedArray[T] with Serializable {
lazy val elemTag = ClassTag[T](arrayElementClass(array.getClass))
def length: Int = array.length
def apply(index: Int): T = array(index).asInstanceOf[T]
def update(index: Int, elem: T) { array(index) = elem }
When you call wa(1)
, you call method apply
of this class and since your second element is null
it will return 0
, because null.asInstanceOf[Int]
returns 0