
Login Citadel mail server issue on raspberry pi 3 B

I have installed Citadel mail server on my Raspberry Pi 3 running raspbian with apache2 because I am already running a nextcloud server on it.
The installation process completes without any errors.

I am able to get on the citadel's login screen with my browser on port 8080 and I can't seem to get passed the login screen. Login and password is correct. I know that because I don't get any errors like wrong password or user does not exist, after clicking login I get nothing. Login page just refreshes.

I tried those commands

sudo mkdir /etc/citadel/netconfigs

sudo chown citadel:citadel /etc/citadel/netconfigs

sudo service citadel restart

sudo /usr/lib/citadel-server/setup

Didn't change anything.

Tried purging and reinstalling the suite, reconfiguring everything and I get to the same point.
I made sure to delete any remaing files or configs before reinstalling so I am out of ideas.

If you need any more information or have me to check error logs, just make sure you tell me how :) I'm definitely not an expert.

Thanks in advance!


  • I had this on a Pi. Try using Easy Install. My comments in []

    Easy Install requires a working build environment. This is installed by default on many Linux distributions. [But not Pi] Otherwise, to install a build environment use the following commands (as root):

    apt-get update apt-get install build-essential curl g++ gettext shared-mime-info libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

    Then run Easy Install the normal way:

    curl | bash


    This compiles Citadel so will take some time. If this seems not to work just run again. this time is very fast, and will let you do the setup.