
for loop with break vs find() in JavaScript

Just saw someone write this:

let id = 1;
let employee = null;

for (const e of employees) {
    if ( === id) {
        employee = e;

seems like an overcomplicated way of writing this:

let id = 1;
let employee = employees.find(e => === id);

Is there any benefit to using a loop with a break vs a find()?

What is find()'s implementation behind the curtain?


  • Perfomance

    .find() is faster than for...break.

    Check this link for test results. for...break is 30% slower than .find()

    .find() source code can be found here

    .find() is not supported in older browsers like IE11 and below. You need to use a polyfill instead.


    .find() is better due to complexity level and the internal algorithm used. Using for...break you will always doing a linear search which means n * n repetitions. The bigger the array, the slower the function.