I have a Larvel API that uses Tymon\JWTAuth to authenticate the user.
It is working fine.
For some reasons I have also a non-guarded route in web.php
Route::get('myroute', 'MyController@mymethod');
The code of MyController@mymethod is the following:
$user = JWTAuth::toUser($request->input('token'));
// I tried also this:
// JWTAuth::setToken($request->input('token'));
// $user = JWTAuth::authenticate();
And I call the route using this url in the browser: /myroute?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGci....
The problem is that I have an exception in JWT.php:
Tymon \ JWTAuth \ Exceptions \ JWTException A token is required
protected function requireToken()
if (! $this->token) {
throw new JWTException('A token is required');
How can I decode the token that is passed as URL parameter and not in the header of the request?
I solved it using this code:
use Namshi\JOSE\SimpleJWS;
$secret = config('jwt.secret');
$jws = SimpleJWS::load($token);
if (!$jws->isValid($secret)) {
return response()->json([], 401); // unauthorized
$payload = $jws->getPayload();
$account = Account::find($payload["account"]["id"]);
However I would have preferred to use directly JWTAuth