
Map zip codes to their respective city and state in R?

I have a data frame of zip codes that I'm looking to map to a city & state for each specific zip code. Currently, I have played around with the zipcode package a bit but I'm not sure that can solve this specific issue.

Here's sample data of what I have now:

chr [1:406] "43031" "24517" "43224" "43832" "53022" "60185" "84104" "43081" 
"85226" "85193" "54656" "43215" "94533" "95826" "64804" "49548" "54467" 

The expected output would be adding a city & state column to each row of the data frame referring to the individual zips:

     zip city  state
1   43031 city1 state1
2   24517 city2 state2
3   43224 city3 state3
4   43832 city4 state4
5   53022 city5 state5
6   60185 city6 state6

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Another Update - February 2023

    Another package (zipcodeR) has been added that makes this easier. See below.

    Answer updated - January 2020

    The zipcode package seems to have disappeared, so this answer has been updated to show how to add lat-lon from an external file. New answer at bottom.

    Original answer

    You can get the data from the zipcode package and just do a merge to look things up.

    zip = c("43031", "24517", "43224", "43832", "53022", 
     "60185", "84104", "43081", "85226", "85193", "54656", 
     "43215", "94533", "95826", "64804", "49548", "54467")
    ZC = data.frame(zip)
    merge(ZC, zipcode)
         zip           city state latitude  longitude
    1  24517      Altavista    VA 37.12754  -79.27409
    2  43031      Johnstown    OH 40.15198  -82.66944
    3  43081    Westerville    OH 40.10951  -82.91606
    4  43215       Columbus    OH 39.96513  -83.00431
    5  43224       Columbus    OH 40.03991  -82.96772
    6  43832  Newcomerstown    OH 40.27738  -81.59662
    7  49548   Grand Rapids    MI 42.86823  -85.66391
    8  53022     Germantown    WI 43.21916  -88.12043
    9  54467         Plover    WI 44.45228  -89.54399
    10 54656         Sparta    WI 43.96977  -90.80796
    11 60185   West Chicago    IL 41.89198  -88.20502
    12 64804         Joplin    MO 37.04716  -94.51124
    13 84104 Salt Lake City    UT 40.75063 -111.94077
    14 85193    Casa Grande    AZ 32.86000 -111.83000
    15 85226       Chandler    AZ 33.31221 -111.93177
    16 94533      Fairfield    CA 38.26958 -122.03701
    17 95826     Sacramento    CA 38.55010 -121.37492

    If you need to keep the rows in the same order, you can just set the rownames on the zipcode data and use that to select the desired rows and columns.

    rownames(zipcode) = zipcode$zip
    zipcode[zip, 1:3]
            zip           city state
    43031 43031      Johnstown    OH
    24517 24517      Altavista    VA
    43224 43224       Columbus    OH
    43832 43832  Newcomerstown    OH
    53022 53022     Germantown    WI
    60185 60185   West Chicago    IL
    84104 84104 Salt Lake City    UT
    43081 43081    Westerville    OH
    85226 85226       Chandler    AZ
    85193 85193    Casa Grande    AZ
    54656 54656         Sparta    WI
    43215 43215       Columbus    OH
    94533 94533      Fairfield    CA
    95826 95826     Sacramento    CA
    64804 64804         Joplin    MO
    49548 49548   Grand Rapids    MI
    54467 54467         Plover    WI

    Updated Answer - January 2020

    Since the zipcode package has disappeared, this shows how to add lat-lon information from a downloaded data set. The file that I am using exists today but the method should work for other files. See the GIS StackExchange for some leads on where to download data.

    ## Original Data to match
    zip = c("43031", "24517", "43224", "43832", "53022", 
     "60185", "84104", "43081", "85226", "85193", "54656", 
     "43215", "94533", "95826", "64804", "49548", "54467")
    ZC = data.frame(zip)
    ## Download source file, unzip and extract into table
    ZipCodeSourceFile = "http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/US.zip"
    temp <- tempfile()
    download.file(ZipCodeSourceFile , temp)
    ZipCodes <- read.table(unz(temp, "US.txt"), sep="\t")
    names(ZipCodes) = c("CountryCode", "zip", "PlaceName", 
    "AdminName1", "AdminCode1", "AdminName2", "AdminCode2", 
    "AdminName3", "AdminCode3", "latitude", "longitude", "accuracy")
    ## merge extra info onto original data
    fZC_Info = merge(ZC, ZipCodes[,c(2:6,10:11)])
        zip     PlaceName AdminName1 AdminCode1 AdminName2 latitude longitude
    1 24517     Altavista   Virginia         VA   Campbell  37.1222  -79.2911
    2 43031     Johnstown       Ohio         OH    Licking  40.1445  -82.6973
    3 43081   Westerville       Ohio         OH   Franklin  40.1146  -82.9105
    4 43215      Columbus       Ohio         OH   Franklin  39.9671  -83.0044
    5 43224      Columbus       Ohio         OH   Franklin  40.0425  -82.9689
    6 43832 Newcomerstown       Ohio         OH Tuscarawas  40.2739  -81.5940

    Second Update - February 2023

    Another package, zipcodeR, is now available that makes this easier. Here is some simple code to demonstrate it.

    zip = c("43031", "24517", "43224", "43832", "53022", 
     "60185", "84104", "43081", "85226", "85193", "54656", 
     "43215", "94533", "95826", "64804", "49548", "54467")
    # A tibble: 17 × 3
       zipcode major_city     state
       <chr>   <chr>          <chr>
     1 85193   Casa Grande    AZ   
     2 85226   Chandler       AZ   
     3 94533   Fairfield      CA   
     4 95826   Sacramento     CA   
     5 60185   West Chicago   IL   
     6 49548   Grand Rapids   MI   
     7 64804   Joplin         MO   
     8 43031   Johnstown      OH   
     9 43081   Westerville    OH   
    10 43215   Columbus       OH   
    11 43224   Columbus       OH   
    12 43832   Newcomerstown  OH   
    13 84104   Salt Lake City UT   
    14 24517   Altavista      VA   
    15 53022   Germantown     WI   
    16 54467   Plover         WI   
    17 54656   Sparta         WI