I have recently updated my Xamarin forms application project from Prism 6.3 to Prism 7.0. Everything seems to be working fine except the eventaggregators which get subscribed correctly but don't seem to get published.
Here is a part of my code used
public ConfigureInventoryEventViewModel(IEventAggregator ea, INavigationService navigationService):base(navigationService,ea)
TappedBackCommand = new DelegateCommand(TappedBack);
I am publishing the event from a modal page
public ModalPopupViewModel(IEventAggregator ea, INavigationService
ItemTappedCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(ItemTapped);
private void ItemTapped(string strItem)
Event class:
public class SetLocationEvent:PubSubEvent
Please help.
Xamarin Forms version: Prism.forms:7.0.0396
I think you forgot this: _ea = ea
public ConfigureInventoryEventViewModel(IEventAggregator ea, INavigationService navigationService):base(navigationService,ea)
_ea = ea;
TappedBackCommand = new DelegateCommand(TappedBack);
public ModalPopupViewModel(IEventAggregator ea, INavigationService navigationService):base(navigationService,ea)
_ea = ea;
ItemTappedCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(ItemTapped);