
Can't access collection admin page after detach / reattach-TFS 2015

I have 2 instances of TFS which are A & B A consists of 3 collections and B consists of 1 collection.

I recently moved 1 collection from B ===> A instance.

After that I am getting the following error while accessing the admin page.

VS402375: Can't find the process associated with team project '76916fec-d89d-43cd-a2f6-89cf83d8100f'. Contact support to resolve this error.

When i checked the Project ID & Values for 3 collections, They look same but for the fourth collection(which was moved from B==>A) which is different.

If I go ahead and update the values(process template id) for the project_id's, The issue will be resolved or not?

can you let me know.



  • Firstly make sure that you exactly follow the instructions on Move a team project collection.

    Base on the thread you mentioned and your description, the problem should be that the default process templates in tfs_configuration of the new install had IDs that didn't match the projects in the new collection.

    So, you can try to backup the DBs first.

    Then try to update the corresponding CurrentProcessTemplateId for the moved team project to match the ID retrieved from tfs_configuration, that means update the table: [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_project_properties]. As update the tfs_configuration may cause problems for other three collections.


    update [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_project_properties]  set value = 'the template ID retrieved from A' where Name = 'CurrentProcessTemplateId' and project_id = 'your team project id'

    If that still not work, just try to also update the OriginalProcessTemplateId

    update [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_project_properties]  set value = 'the template ID retrieved from A' where Name = 'OriginalProcessTemplateId' and project_id = 'your team project id'