
How can I play or view .FBX file in html Page using some Js lib

I'm trying to play or view 3D model in my html pages, Currently i am able to play only .Obj file using JavaScript, is there any way that i can also view .Fbx model in my page, i am searching for hours but didn't get any working, i also try using Three.js but .fbx is not working please Help!


  • Reference:,topicNumber=d30e707

    Embedding FBX files on a web page

    Do this by adding a JavaScript file that points to the FBX file to the website root directory.

    To do this, you must add the following three things to the index of the page:

    1. A JavaScript file that launches the FBX for QuickTime viewer
    2. HTML code that refers to the JavaScript file
    3. The FBX file

    To modify a webpage so that it can show FBX files with the FBX for QuickTime viewer:

    1. Download the AC_QuickTime.js JavaScript code from here. Note this link is not mentioned on the reference website so I found it via google search.
    2. You will use this script on the web page to launch the FBX for QuickTime viewer.
    3. Using a web page editor, access the index of the web page where you want to embed the FBX file.
    4. Write the following HTML code. This code points to the JavaScript file that you downloaded:

            <title>Embedded FBX QuickTime movie in a web page</title>
            <script src="AC_QuickTime.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <body bgcolor="#6699FF">
            <h1>Embedded FBX file in a web page</h1>
            <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
            QT_WriteOBJECT_XHTML('Tester.FBX', '800', '600', '',
                'autoplay', 'true',
                'emb#bgcolor', 'black',
                'align', 'middle'); 
            <hr/>An fbx file should be playing now above, using a QuickTime player embedded.

    1. Add the JavaScript to your web page code and upload the FBX file you wish to view to the web page index.