
form_with client side validation

Im using the client side validation gem. And have ran the all the instructions as stated to get validation working, but validation doesnot work on my form.

My form:

<%= form_with(model: profile, local: true, method: :patch, multipart: true, validate: true) do |form| %>

I have put validate: true as stated on document.

Rather than put validation in my model:

  validates :name, :email, presence: true, length: { maximum: 10 }, if: :can_validate?

  def can_validate

The doc says you can force on the form which I have done instead:

And in my text field I have applied the validation:

<%= form.text_field :name, validate: { presence: true }, id: :profile_name, class:"input is-large" %>

But the validation does not work at all, no error message.


  • I created a repo to reproduce your issue myself:

    It looks like client_side_validations works for me if I use form_for but does not work for me if I use form_with:

    enter image description here

    A search for "client_side_validations form_with" turned up this link:

    It seems like the easiest solution for you is to use form_for. If you need to use form_with, it seems like the developer may be working on a solution or have one coded on another branch.

    Let me know if it works or if you need more help.