
alasql - column names when using with csv?

I'm trying to see how to reference column names when using alasql from the command line, when there's no header in the file?

I've tried a few different options with no luck.


$ alasql 'SELECT a[1] FROM TAB(?) as a' data.csv
$ alasql 'SELECT [1] FROM TAB(?) as a' data.csv

but they all give me an empty result set, like so:



  • I couldn't see how to do it with implied column names, so I just ended up adding a header to my csv files, and writing the code in javascript. It worked fine from there.

    var alasql = require("alasql");
    alasql.promise('SELECT * FROM TAB("../data/", {headers:true}) a, TAB("../data/", {headers:true}) b WHERE a.tag = b.tag')
      if (data.length > 0)
        console.log("Some bad tags still exist!");
        console.log("All bad tags have been removed!");
         console.log('Error:', err);