
How long is a document signed with a Digital Signature Certificate valid after the time it is signed?

My understanding is that the digital certificate is valid up to 3 years depending upon what you paid for to the certificate issuing company. So for example, If I bought a DSC from say, emudhra, and it is valid for 2 years. If I sign a document on 1/6/2017 and the DSC is valid from 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2019, will the document that I signed only be valid for 1.5 years from 1/6/2017 or will it be valid for the 2 years?

Also once the DSC I have expires on 1/1/2019 if I renew the certificate for another 2 years. Will the documents I signed be valid for a total of 4 years or will I have to sign it again with the renewed DSC for the certificate to be valid?


  • A certificate can expire, be revoked and the signature could still be valid, so the question should be How do I prove that a signature was valid at the time of signing?

    Answering this question is not simple at all. I will try to explain how to verify a (basic) digital signature:

    There are many additional checks if you use an advanced format like CAdES or XAdES, but these are the basics.

    When you need to verify a signature over time you need to keep all evidence of the validation process: certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses and protect them with a time stamp (RFC3161). When the time stamp is about to expire, an additional time stamp is added

    Now, I will try to answer your original questions in a concise way

    If I sign a document on 1/6/2017 and the DSC is valid from 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2019, will the document that I signed only be valid for 1.5 years from 1/6/2017 or will it be valid for the 2 years?

    Validation of the signature will fail after 1/1/2019, or earlier if the certificate is revoked. To avoid this behaviour, store the revokation evidences and use them in the verification process

    Also once the DSC I have expires on 1/1/2019 if I renew the certificate for another 2 years. Will the documents I signed be valid for a total of 4 years or will I have to sign it again with the renewed DSC for the certificate to be valid?

    The original signature will be considered invalid after 1/1/2019, even if you renew the certificate or add new signature