
Start multiple activities from Notification via PendingIntent

I'd like to start multiple activities when press on Notification. I didn't find any docs about how to set multiple intents in a single PendingIntent.

One solution could be to start next activity in the first one's onCreate() and so forth, but I don't like this, maybe there is something else.


  • Finally, I got the answer for this - it's pretty trivial, just using method getActivities() to the PendingIntent like so:

            Intent myIntent1= new Intent(ctx, MyActivity1.class);
            Intent myIntent2= new Intent(ctx, MyActivity2.class);
            Intent[] intents = new Intent[]{myIntent1, myIntent2};
            PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivities(ctx, pid, intents, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);