
How to get friends who have birthday today or in the next 7 days (week)?

before creating this topic I researched the entire community, but I did not find anything close to what I'm trying to do. I am developing a small social network which is a PHP project for academic purposes only.

I have the following tables in my database:

Table Name: users
   id => INT (Primary Key - AutoIncrement)
   name => VARCHAR(200)
   birthdate => DATE
   login => VARCHAR(60)
   password => VARCHAR(60)

Table Name: friends
   id => INT (Primary Key - AutoIncrement)
   idRequester => INT (Foreign Key - users>>id)
   requestDate => DATE
   idRequested => INT (Foreign Key - users>>id)
   confirmationDate => DATE
   situation => CHAR(1) (A=Accepted | P=Waiting | R=Rejected)

With the following query, I can get all the birthdays of the day (Without considering friendships).

SELECT id, name, DATE_FORMAT(birthdate, '%d/%m/%Y') AS dtbirth,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, NOW()) AS age
FROM users WHERE birthdate LIKE '%-06-21';

This is similar to a question raised in another topic here of the portuguese forum, in this link: Here

I need to get all the friends who have birthday today or in the next 7 days given the current date, this from a particular user X. I don't know how to JOIN tables users and friends because we have two columns and if X is the requesting user, then I need to join with the requested one, otherwise X being requested, then I join with the requestor.

That is, get all 'user ID 50' friends who have birthday today or in the next 7 days.

If someone can help me, because I'm not sure how to perform a query that solve this problem and also gains in performance. I believe that it would help a lot of people, since the doubt is something frequent and for academic purposes. Thank you.


  • Hi as per my understanding you require all the friends who're having their birthday's between today and next week for a particular user_id, and you also have confusion with how to pull all the friends since sometimes X person is the one who requested for friendship and sometimes X is the person who was requested for friendship.

    I wrote below query, I hope it helps.

    select ur.*, TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthdate, NOW()) AS age 
     from users ur 
     inner join
        -- getting all the friends who are accepted and the user was requested
          select f.idRequester as friends_id
          from users u
          inner join friends f
          on (
          where and situation = 'A'
         -- getting all the friends who are accepted and the user was requester
         select f.idRequested as friends_id
         from users u
         inner join friends f
         on (
         where and situation = 'A'
      ) temp
           this part compares if the day of birth lies 
           between today or next 7 days. 
         WHERE DATE(CONCAT_WS('-', YEAR(curdate()), MONTH(birthdate), 

    NOTE: I have hardcoded the user_id, to make it dynamic you can probably use a stored procedure with parameters and replace the hardcoded part with it.