I want to create trial account for MS Dynamics COMMON DATA SERVICE (CDS 2.0)?
If so, can anybody please provide link where I can create account or provide steps if I need to configure anything for that?
Do all this in In-Private/Incognito browser sessions to avoid work account Single Sign On/default cred signins.
Create a E2 trial by signing up (don’t login with employer/partner/personal email, only signup). This will give you .onmicrosoft.com
domain & E2 license by default. You can tailor the instance for any Sales, Service, Marketing modules or leave it.
Then login to Admin, create a new environment & database. It will create default solution & few OOB entities (+ test data). This is what CDS2.0 in other words Dynamics 365 CRM v9.
Then login to PowerApps, switch to Model-driven from Canvas in left bottom corner. You will see all the entities, then you can customize there itself or click Advanced
to go to regular CRM solution area.