
Is there a kubernetes cronjob kind which allows multiple schedules for a single container image?

If one has an image with a number of different executables, is it possible to have multiple cron entries with different commands that run at different times in the same kubernetes deployment.

e.g. For some single container image named "jolly-roger", I want to schedule the following crontab, without having to manage 4 separate kubernetes applications in different repositories.

*/30 * * * * /pirate-bin/rehoist-the-flag
0 7,19 * * * /pirate-bin/feed-the-sharks
45 20 * * * /pirate-bin/count-the-gold
0 12 * * 1,5 /pirate-bin/make-landlubbers-walk-the-plank


  • You can:

    You can not:

    So in short, you can place all your binaries in a single container, but cannot solve your problem by defining one resource. The way to go is to use the same image in a distinct cronjob resource per crontab line of your example