
In main sheet there is 800 names(A1:A800). Each cell should go to different sheet with an order. First cell to first sheet etc

I have nearly 800 cells(A1:A800) in my main sheet. Each cell should copy to different sheet with an order. First cell in main sheet('main'!A1) copy to first sheet('1'!A1) , second cell('main'!A2) copy to second sheet('2'!A1) etc.I created 800 sheets already. I don't know VBA very well. I couldn't find any code that fits my problem. Thanks for help!

screenshot showing many values in column A


  • If I am seeing what you are trying to do, it shouldn't be too hard.
    You could hardcode a for loop to 800.

    for i = 2 to 800
        Range("A"&i).Copy Destination:=Sheets(i).Range("A" & i)

    This is similar albeit a bit more involved