
How to use filter in Microsoft Graph API to get SharePoint items?

Here I am trying to filter data based on created date. At 1st I tried in Graph Explorer and it's working.$filter=createdDateTime ge 2017-09-04&$select=subject,lastModifiedDateTime

Now trying to implement same in Dell Boomi. This is resource path to pull all the items: sites/{id}{id}:/lists/{list_id}/items it's working fine.

After that I am adding filter condition:

sites/{id}{id}:/lists/{list_id}/items?$filter=lastModifiedDateTime ge 2017-09-04&$select=email,displayName

Here is getting error. This is the error message:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD>
<BODY><h2>Bad Request</h2>
<hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed.</p>

Can some one help on this, how to fix this issue? Here is the Sample data.

> {   "@odata.context":
> "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.list)(&#39;1334af71-5b7a-4276-a8d8-c3f3f129051d&#39;)/items",
> "value": [
>     {
>       "@odata.etag": "&quot;ef6e961c-a956-400e-a77d-f044d2e0b894,8&quot;",
>       "createdDateTime": "2018-05-24T13:38:10Z",
>       "eTag": "&quot;ef6e961c-a956-400e-a77d-f044d2e0b894,8&quot;",
>       "id": "3",
>       "lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-06-18T10:24:27Z",
>       "webUrl": "https://{id}{id}/Doc%20Interfaces/757391.pdf",
>       "createdBy": {
>         "user": {
>           "email": "abc@abc.COM",
>           "id": "173abc",
>           "displayName": "abc"
>         }
>       },
>       "lastModifiedBy": {
>         "user": {
>           "email": "xyz@abc.COM",
>           "id": "234xyz",
>           "displayName": "xyz"
>         }
>       },
>       "parentReference": {
>         "id": "03fe-16595a0da875"
>       },
>       "contentType": {
>         "id": "0x01"
>       },
>       "fields@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.list)(&#39;1334f71-c3f3f129&#39;)/items(&#39;3&#39;)/fields/$entity",
>       "fields": {
>         "@odata.etag": "&quot;ef6e961-f044d2e0b894,8&quot;",
>         "FileLeafRef": "757391.pdf",


  • Short Answer

    Use the auto generated SharePoint list item fields Created or Modified

    /items?expand=fields&$filter=fields/Modified gt '2018-01-01'

    Important Note

    To perform filter queries on these fields, you will have to either:


    It seems like filtering on the values that are returned by the graph endpoint (such as lastModifiedDateTime, createdDateTime, etc.) is not supported, since requests like /items&$filter=lastModifiedDateTime ge '2018-01-01' will return a "Invalid filter clause" error.