If I want to output a SCollection of TableRow or String to google cloud storage (GCS) I'm using saveAsTableRowJsonFile or saveAsTextFile, respectively. Both of these methods ultimately use
private[scio] def pathWithShards(path: String) = path.replaceAll("\\/+$", "") + "/part"
which enforces that file names start with "part". Is the only way to output a custom sharded file via to use saveAsCustomOutput?
I had to do it in beam code via saveAsCustomOutput
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.Transport
val jsonFactory: JsonFactory = Transport.getJsonFactory
val outputPath = "gs://foo/bar_" // file prefix will be bar_
case class Clazz(foo: String, bar: String)
val collection: SCollection[Clazz] = ....
saveAsCustomOutput(name = "CustomWrite", io.TextIO.write()