Hi I have developed SPA web application in Angular. I am using VS2017 and I am using MVC template. I have deployed my app in azure. My project has some server side code as well. I have added below policy to restrict concurrent requests to my web application. Below code I added in web.config. I am running my project in localhost:1148
<dynamicIpSecurity denyAction="Forbidden">
<denyByRequestRate enabled="true" maxRequests="4" requestIntervalInMilliseconds="2000"/>
<denyByConcurrentRequests enabled="true" maxConcurrentRequests="4"/>
I want to test the above rule applied in localhost. I want to know Is it possible to test in above rule in localhost? When there are more then 4 concurrent requests O want to display forbidden. Can someone help me to test this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
You also could test it with Filddler or other tool.For more details,please refer to the screenshot. You could test it by click the [Excute] quickly.