I have a ListView that shows images and I can get the index of the image once I click on it, but not able to get the index when I only hover on the image.
This is where I am:
<img onmouseover="ImageListHover(this, $(this));" id="#=ItemID#" src="../Images/CatalogImages/#= CheckForImagesURL(FilePreview) #" alt="#: ItemName # image" />
The function that is being called on the mouseover event is:
function ImageListHover(a, b) {
console.log("index from a is: " + a.index());
console.log("index from b is: " + b.index());
I am passing over both this and $(this) to see if I can get the index from either of those but to no avail.
Here is a link to the code, I had to place it on the kendo dojo because I am using an example that I modified..Example
The issue is because the img
elements you're targeting are not siblings, hence they are all at index 0
within their respective containers.
To fix this, provide a selector to index()
which explicitly specifies the collection within which you want to retrieve the index within:
function ImageListHover(a, b) {
console.log("index from b is: " + b.index('.product img'));
Also note that using on*
event attributes is an outdated technique which should be avoided. Use unobtrusive event handlers instead:
$(function() {
// your kendo setup here...
$('.product img').on('mouseenter', function() {
console.log($(this).index('.product img'));