I want to use ForAll construct in procedure:
Existing For loop is:
max_versions constant number := 100;
FOR i IN 1 ..max_vers
l_sql := 'update test_table set p' || i ||'= NULL WHERE p' ||i||'=0 AND condition1=' ||n_input1 ||' AND condition3 = ' || n_condition3;
EXECUTE immediate l_sql;
l_sql := 'update test_table set h' || i ||'= NULL WHERE h ||i||'=0 AND condition1=' ||n_input1 ||' AND condition3 = ' || n_condition3;
EXECUTE immediate l_sql;
Here max_vers is a constant 100 and p1...p100 and h1...h100 are columns in a table. In above query null is being set if columns' value is 0.
SO is it possible to use ForAll with a constant rather than collection?
I have tried to do below: First, I tried to use direct constant with 'Count' method but since it is a method of collect
TYPE MaxVersTab IS TABLE OF number;
maxvers MaxVersTab := 100;
-- Error1
FORALL i IN 1 .. maxvers .count
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE -- Error2 and Error3
'update test_table set p' || i ||'= NULL WHERE p' ||i||'=0 AND condition1=' ||n_input1 || ' AND condition3 =n_input3' USING maxvers(i);
FORALL i IN 1 .. maxversions.count
'update test_table set p' || i ||'= NULL WHERE p' ||i||'=0 AND condition1=' ||n_input1 || ' AND condition3=n_input3' USING maxvers(i);
I am getting different errors as below:
My question is , can we assign a range to a collection(like 100) to be used in ForAll. Please let me know.
Instead of using For loop , I am using static query which would update h1..h100 and p1...p100 columns in one go.
l_sql := 'UPDATE sh_rpt_temp_peer_final t SET p1= NULLIF(p1, 0),--...NULLIF(p100,0),
h1= NULLIF(h1, 0) --...NULLIF(h100,0),
where condition1=' ||n_input1 || ' AND condition3 =n_input3';
EXECUTE immediate l_sql;
This will reduce the number of query execution from 200 to 1