
How to add a Scala List or Set in Cassandra?

My Cassandra's table schema is

    id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
    a text,
    d text,
    h list<text>,
    i  list<blob>,
    p  text,
    t set<text>,
    title text

I want to add data from the following case class


To add the data, I have written the following QueryBuilder code

def insertValues(tableName:String, model:Data):Insert = {

But I am getting the following error:

Errorcom.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Value 3 of type class scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon does not correspond to any CQL3 type

I am probably messing up between data types used in Scala and Cassandra but I don't know how to correct this. Eg. one issue I see is I don't know how to convert String to blob used by field i.


  • I had to use functions from scala.collection.JavaConversions._. The working code snippet is
