
How do I run Jmeter test from command line with -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP and command line parameter?

I need to run a distributed test with some of the command line parameter and also I need to pass My server IP with -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP, since I am running it from the command line I need nee to give as

jmeter -n -t C:\\Jmxfile.jmx -r Gsomeproperty=value in command line.

I am confused of passing even the command line parameter and also hostname? can somebody help me in sending both at a time.


  • Check the documentation:

    Java system properties and JMeter properties can be overridden directly on the command line (instead of modifying To do so, use the following options:

    -D[prop_name]=[value] defines a java system property value.

    -J[prop_name]=[value] defines a local JMeter property.

    -G[prop_name]=[value] defines a JMeter property to be sent to all remote servers.

    -G[propertyfile] defines a file containing JMeter properties to be sent to all remote servers.

    So, you can send both at a time through the command line.