
Take a snapshot of program after every test

I have a test setup that opens a program and does a test on loop.

I want to have the program take a snapshot / screenshot of the program (only) after a test, inside the loop.

Is this possible?

Below is my test suite run:

Ranorex Test Suite

So it is fine, and I can run through the full test, but I can't see the results, unless I have Ranorex open. This is not sufficient, if I run this on another PC or VM.

NOTE: All the blanked out boxes, are my variables.


  • To take a screenshot of the app under test, 3 simple steps:

    1. Create a repo item of the application (using Ranorex Spy).
    2. Drag n Drop the repo item in a recording.
    3. Select the "Capture Screenshot" action.

    Hope this helps (even though you have solved the issue!)