
Ansible when statement with variable from another task

can someone help me please? I want to create a folder at host "cfme_tester-0". For this I check variable "osp_version" from "undercloud-0" host and based on the result I should create a folder at the "cfme_tester-0" host.

Here is my playbook:

- name: take openstack version
  hosts: undercloud-0
  become: true
  become_user: stack
    - name: creating flavor
      shell: |
        source /home/stack/stackrc
        cat /etc/rhosp-release | egrep -o '[0-9]+' | head -1
      register: osp_version
      ignore_errors: True
    - debug: msg="{{ osp_version.stdout }}"

- name: set up CFME tester
  hosts: cfme_tester-0
  become: yes
  become_user: root
    - name: Run prepare script for OSP10
        shell: |
          cd /tmp/cfme/ && mkdir osp10
      when: "'10' in osp_version.stdout"

    - name: Run prepare script for OSP13
        shell: |
          cd /tmp/cfme/ && mkdir osp13
      when: "'13' in osp_version.stdout"

But an error occurs:

TASK [debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [undercloud-0] => {
    "msg": "10"

PLAY [set up CFME tester] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [cfme_tester-0]

TASK [Run prepare script for OSP10] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [cfme_tester-0]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check ''10' in osp_version.stdout' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional ('10' in osp_version.stdout): 'osp_version' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to have been in '/root/infrared/rhos-qe-core-installer/playbooks/my_setup.yaml': line 20, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n  tasks:\n    - name: Run prepare script for OSP10\n      ^ here\n"}
    to retry, use: --limit @/root/infrared/rhos-qe-core-installer/playbooks/my_setup.retry

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
cfme_tester-0              : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1   
undercloud-0               : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   


  • Variables are per-host (because otherwise, what happens when you run a task on multiple hosts and register a variable?). In your first task, you are setting the osp_version variable for host undercloud-0.

    If you want to use this variable in your second play, which is running on cfme_tester-0, then you should read the Magic Variables, and How To Access Information About Other Hosts section of the Ansible documentation. You'll need to refer to the variable via the hostvars dictionary, so your second play will look like:

    - name: set up CFME tester
      hosts: cfme_tester-0
      become: yes
      become_user: root
        - name: Run prepare script for OSP10
          shell: |
            cd /tmp/cfme/ && mkdir osp10
          when: "'10' in hostvars['undercloud-0'].osp_version.stdout"
        - name: Run prepare script for OSP13
          shell: |
            cd /tmp/cfme/ && mkdir osp13
          when: "'13' in hostvars['undercloud-0'].osp_version.stdout"

    ...but note that if you're just creating a directory, you would be better off just using the file module instead:

        - name: Run prepare script for OSP10
            path: /tmp/cfme/osp10
            state: directory
          when: "'10' in hostvars['undercloud-0'].osp_version.stdout"