
How to get query parameters in a Logic App?

I'm trying to pass an extra query parameter to Azure logic app so that I can process below data in the Logic App workflow

For Example https://logicURL?SelectedData="" (encoded string)

In HTTP action I am trying to handle above passed data with below JSON schema

    "kind": "Http",
    "inputs": {
        "schema": {
            "properties": {
                "selectedData": {
                    "type": "string"
            "type": "object"
    } }

I am not getting selectedData value. I need to use decodecomponentURI and then use the JSON value.

Azure logic app schema

Find the error here

Azure logic app run time error


  • First, you need to add your query param to the existing ones, e.g.""

    Then, you should be able to get them in your Logic App using


    As you can see, there is no need to add a schema to the Http Trigger to get a query parameter