The program I am developing gets three times slower when I call the following function. It wouldn't be bad if it was not called a couple million of times.
double obterNormLarguraBanda(const std::vector<double>& v, int periodos)
int aa;
double maximo, minimo, valor;
std::vector<double>::const_iterator inicio;
if (v.size() < periodos)
inicio = v.begin();
inicio = v.end() - periodos;
maximo = *max_element(inicio, v.end(), excludeWrong);
minimo = *min_element(inicio, v.end(), excludeWrong);
return (v.back()-minimo)/(maximo - minimo);
bool excludeWrong(double i, double j)
if (i==-1 || j==-1) return false;
return i<j;
takes the value 500.
Is there another way to speed up significantly this function?
and min_element
are both iterating through the range, when the entire step could be done in one function.
I believe some compilers have a minmax_element
function in their STL, but I do not believe it is in the standard. You could write your own. I originally wrote this as an untemplated version, but if you have a good compiler it should make no difference.
Try something like this (untested)
template <typename Iter, typename Pred>
void minmax_element(Iter begin, Iter end, Iter& min, Iter& max, const Pred& comp)
min = begin;
max = begin;
typedef std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
for (++begin; begin != end; ++begin)
if (comp(*max, *begin))
max = begin;
else if (comp(*begin, *min))
min = begin;
template <typename Iter>
void minmax_element(Iter begin, Iter end, Iter& min, Iter& max)
minmax_element(begin, end, min, max, std::less<std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type>());