Not sure if it's a limitation or something, but below code does not load anything. I have some data driven behaviour that I'd like to test isolated.
class Loader
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
class Loader {
Future<String> load() async{
return await rootBundle.loadString('assets/json/sketch.json');
The test
testWidgets('Should parse load sketch.json', (WidgetTester tester) async {
var loaderFuture = new Loader();
Future<String> resultFuture = loaderFuture.load();
resultFuture.then((value) => print(value))
.catchError((error) => print(error));
Future does not return neither success nor error and hangs forever. I know the while(true) locking up the test, but for now I just wanted to see sketch.json printed
Asset location
See the documentation of DefaultAssetBundle it describes using it and a AssetBundle to provide your own assets.