
API/Library to replace signtool.exe

The Windows SDK ships with a tool called signtool.exe that lets you sign a file with a certificate. I need to do the same thing but in a background service so I'm on the lookout for a library (preferably managed code, but COM will do) to do the same thing. Any ideas?

Found the answer. Here's how to use an X.509 certificate to sign a file in .NET:

CmsSigner signer = new CmsSigner();
signer.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(certificate);

SignedCms content = new SignedCms(new ContentInfo(File.ReadAllBytes(fileToSign)));
content.ComputeSignature(signer, true);
byte[] signedFile = content.Encode();

string signedFileName = fileToSign + ".signed";
File.WriteAllBytes(signedFileName, signedFile);

Console.WriteLine("Signed file: " + signedFileName);

Here, certificate is the path to the .pfx file containing the certificate and fileToSign is the file to sign.


  • SignTool is using CAPICOM which is the COM wrapper for the Crypto API. You can use either one. If you're going with CAPICOM, you can check the information here.