I'm new at this so be kind.
I've got these 2 functions inside the same component.ts
First one:
addCost() {
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue',
radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-grey'
$('#not2bpaid').on('ifChecked', () => {
this.not2bpaid_tosend = "N";
This variable assignment in 'ifChecked' callback works, I've made sure of that.
And then I have another function which is called on click event in html which uses the variable not2bpaid_tosend.
addCost() is called BEFORE the function at click event, but by then not2bpaid_tosend has lost its value.
I've also tried passing not2bpaid_tosend as a parameter to the 2nd function upon triggering it from html. Same result. Variable is empty by then. And I'm not touching that variable at any other time between those 2 functions.
Not sure what's going on here or how to solve it. Probably something simple that I overlooked since, as I said, I'm new at this angular stuff.
Any help would be appreciated. thanks
You have to use arrow function while passing function an argument to the ready function of jquery to keep the context of component class intact.
addCost() {
$(document).ready(() => {
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue',
radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-grey'
$('#not2bpaid').on('ifChecked', () => {
this.not2bpaid_tosend = "N";