
Error in moxiemanager with PHP7

After updating the version from PHP5 to PHP7, an error appears when trying to insert images from the moxiemanager plugin of the tinymce that I have integrated into the project.

just tell me: Error: Array to string conversion


  • After a few hours, I could find the error

    Specifically in: /home/user/website/admin/js/vendor/tinymce/plugins/moxiemanager/classes/Util/EventDispatcher.php:118

    In the method:

    public function dispatch($sender, $name, $args) {
        $name = strtolower($name);
        if (isset($this->observers[$name])) {
            $observers = $this->observers[$name];
            for ($i = 0, $l = count($observers); $i < $l; $i++) {
                $value = $observers[$i][1]->$observers[$i][0]($args);
                // Is stopped then break the loop
                if ($value === false || $args->isStopped()) {
                    return $args;
        return $args;

    you must replace the following line:

    $value = $observers[$i][1]->$observers[$i][0]($args);

    For this:

    $value = $observers[$i][1]->{$observers[$i][0]}($args);

    PHP7 uses an abstract syntactic tree when analyzing the source files. Indirect access to variables, properties and methods will now be strictly evaluated from left to right.