I want to paramaterize exchanges of an existing brightway activity. in the example I've found the formula is defined for a new_exchange, can we do it for an existing one?
a practical example could be to redefine the fuel consumption as function of higher heating value and efficiency.
ex=[act for act in bw.Database('ei_34con') if 'natural gas' in act['name']
and 'condensing' in act['name']
and 'CH' in act['location']][0].copy()
ng_flow=[f for f in ex.technosphere() if ('natural gas' in f['name'])][0]
bw.parameters.new_activity_parameters(act_data, "my group")
I naively tried
bw.parameters.add_exchanges_to_group("my group", ex)
ActivityParameter.recalculate_exchanges("my group")
but parameters did not update the amount of the exchange.
You were quite close.
I reran your code and the line
bw.parameters.add_exchanges_to_group("my group", ex)
returns 0. This means no parameters were added.
However, if I save the exchange first:
bw.parameters.add_exchanges_to_group("my group", ex)
returns 1, and
for exc in ex.technosphere():
if "natural gas" in exc['name']:
print(exc.amount, exc.input, exc.output)
0.028449502133712657 'market for natural gas, low pressure' (cubic meter, CH, None) 'heat production, natural gas, at boiler condensing modulating <100kW' (megajoule, CH, None)
Note that ng_flow.as_dict()
does not show the updated value.