
libuvc_ros ERROR: cannot launch node of type [libuvc_camera/camera_node]

I have cloned libuvc_ros to my catkin_ws/src and do rosmake libuvc_camera, and I got this error:

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [libuvc_camera/camera_node]: can't locate node [camera_node] in package [libuvc_camera]

I did install ros-kinetic-uvc-camera and ros-kinetic-libuvc-camera, and I'm quite lost. Can someone please tell me what is the correct step?


  • I solved it with ros packageuvc-camera and referred answers from setting a usb camera and stream usb camera in ros.

    I checked the ros packages installed with rospack list-names and found uvc-camera is appropriate enough, then I started camera node using rosrun uvc_camera uvc_camera_node _device:=/dev/video1, in rostopic list I saw /camera_info and /image_raw which proved my solution.