
Mockito with Jersey Test and JAX-RS - UnsatisfiedDependencyException

Trying to test a fairly simple JAX-RS endpoint

public class MyRestService {
    private Logger logger;

    private EjbService ejbService;

    public String myMethod() {"...");
        return ejbService.myMethod();

with Mockito and Jersey Test

public class MyRestServiceTest extends JerseyTest {
    private EjbService ejbService;

    private Logger logger;

    private MyRestService myRestService;


    protected Application configure() {
        return new ResourceConfig().register(myRestService);

The Grizzly container is returning a org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException for Logger and EjbService even thought the dependencies are injected correctly by Mockito.

Seems Grizzly is trying, correctly, to ovverride the Mockito mocks. If I register an AbstractBinder in the configure method, everything works fine.

.register(new AbstractBinder() {
    protected void configure() {

But I don't feel it's the best way to accomplish injection. Mockito style is better imho. What do I need to do to solve this issue?


  • The MockitoJUnitRunner is for unit tests and JerseyTest is for integration tests.

    When using Mockito, your tests will call directly the declared myRestService and Mockito dependency injection will take place.

    When using JerseyTest, a new web container is created and your tests talk to MyRestService via an HTTP call. Inside this container, the real dependency injection is happening, the classes are not even seeing you declared mocks.

    You can use JerseyTest and Mockito together, exactly as you did. It just requires some extra configurations (as you already found) and the @RunWith annotation is not necessary.