
cannot find vendor directory under golang project

My golang version is go1.10.2 linux/amd64. I can build and run my go project(under gopath/src) without any problem but I cannot see vendor directory under my project folder. I would like to know if the vendor folder is a hidden directory? What are the possible reasons the vendor folder is not generated?


  • Vendor directory is used as an alternative to GOPATH when resolving dependencies. A dependency is first looked up in /vendor then in GOPATH then in GOROOT.

    If you go get all your dependencies they'll be in GOPATH/src instead of /vendor.

    To start adding project specific dependencies to vendor dir you need to use a dependency manager such as glide or dep or manually copy everything to /vendor.

    This SO answer goes into more detail on using vendor dir in Go - https://stackoverflow.com/a/37238226/1589165