
Best data structure for efficient look-up by date in R

I have a data frame, df, which contains traffic through London underground stations for every hour in 2018:

        Year    Month Day  Hour    Station.ID    Traffic
1       2018    1     1    0       A             1000
2       2018    1     1    0       B             1300
3       2018    1     1    0       C             956
4       2018    1     1    0       D             721

It is over 7,000,000 rows long. I would like an efficient way to look up the traffic at certain dates and times. For example, if I wanted to know the traffic in station 'X' at 10am on 4/5/2018 I'd currently perform:

df[df$Year==2018 & df$Month==5 & df$Day==4 & df$Hour==10 & df$Station.ID=='X',]$Traffic

But this method will needlessly look through the entire dataframe. My idea is to organize data into a hierarchical structure like so:

df$pathString <- paste("MyTree", 
                        sep = "/")
dftree <- as.Node(df)

My previous request would now resemble:


and this will be orders of magnitude quicker. My problem is that it takes too long to actually organize df into a tree in the first place! If I take a subset of 1000 rows, then it takes a couple of minutes. With all 7,000,000 rows it churns away with no end in sight.

My questions:

1) What is the most appropriate data structure for fast look-up when data is organized by date?

2) Is df too large for this structure to be appropriate?


  • A data.table.

    Using the flights data set, a query like yours takes around half a second:

    flights <- as.data.table(flights)
    flights7M <- rbindlist(lapply(1:22, function(x) flights))
    nrow(flights7M) / 7e6  # close enough
    #> [1] 1.058439
      setkey(flights7M, year, month, day, hour, origin)
      flights7M[.(2013L, 5L, 4L, 10L, "JFK")]
    #> process    real 
    #>    1.8s 587.4ms

    Created on 2018-07-02 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).