
Consul configuration on conditional property spring boot

How can I write consul configuration class on the conditional property, I have done and tested with properties,

But want to write configuration class and that configuration should be load on condition.


  • If I got your question right, you want to create a configuration class but load this configuration only if some condition is met:

    public class MyConfiguration {
          public ??? myBean() {

    In this case, you should use @Conditional annotation that has been firstly shipped with Spring 4.

    There are many @Conditional-like annotations, you should just peek the one you need.

    If it's not enough you can even roll your own Conditional logic. Since it wasn't asked directly in the question, I'll just provide a link (one among many) articles that shows how to do it.

    So you can go with, for example:

    @ConditionalOnProperty(value="my.consul.integration.enabled", havingValue = "true")
    public class MyConfiguration {
          public ??? myBean() {

    You can also put the conditional logic at the granularity of a single bean.

    Here the requirement is running the consul configuration only if a certain property is enabled (tools.consul.enabled=true from your comments)

    The idea is to define a set of consul related properties not in a default application.yml file but somewhere else, for example consul-integration.properties file, and read this file with configuration that is turned on only if a @ConditionOnProperty is met.


    @ConditionalOnProperty(value="tools.consul.enabled", havingValue=true) 
    public class ToolConsulSampleConfiguration {