After consuming .net standard projects in a .net framework(4.6) console application, the dependencies of the .net standard projects are not copied into the output directory. This results in run time error of missing dlls. The "copy local" property is already true for the referenced projects. One possible solution is to add all the dependencies again in the console application, but is not a good idea. Is there a better solution to this?
After going through an article by Scott Hanselman, below solution worked like a charm.
"Using .NET Standard requires you to use PackageReference to eliminate the pain of “lots of packages” as well as properly handle transitive dependencies. While you may be able to use .NET Standard without PackageReference, I wouldn’t recommend it."
Add below line in the first "PropertyGroup" tag of the .net framework console application's ".csproj" file
There will not be any need to add again the .net standard projects' nuget dependencies in the console application.