
Wordpress LaTex Equations

Having trouble with latex formulas. For instance, for the following I get "Formula does not parse":

(\epsilon, F_\alpha_2, \epsilon) \rightarrow (F, \alpha_1)

There are a lot of formulas that break down with no apparant reason. For instance the previous sample works on http://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php

I use WP Latex plugin set with the wordpress.com Latex server.

Really frustrating. Any suggestions?



  • Try (\epsilon, F_{\alpha_2}, \epsilon) \rightarrow (F, \alpha_1). This should work.

    LaTeX does complain about the F_\alpha_2 part. It does not know if you want to have F_{\alpha 2} (i.e. alpha and 2 on the same lavel) or F_{\alpha_2} (\alpha and a subscribt2 within the subscript).

    If you do not surround the subscript part with { and }, LaTeX takes only the next sign as subscript. But since you want two signs in subscript (\alpha and 2), you have to parenthesize it somehow.