
How to change Alexa talking speed?

How to change Alexa talking/playback speed to super fast or super slow? Is there a way to manipulate the sampling rate of Alexa audio output?


  • Use prosody tag of SSML to modify the speed, pitch and volume of response speech.


       <prosody rate="medium">I speak in medium pace</prosody>.
       <prosody rate="slow">I speak in slow pace</prosody>.
       <prosody rate="fast">I speak in fast pace</prosody>.
       <prosody rate="x-fast">I speak in very fast pace</prosody>.
       <prosody rate="x-slow">I speak in very slow pace</prosody>.

    You can also give the speed of speech in %

    <prosody rate="50%">I speak in 50% slower pace</prosody>

    Percentages greater than 100% increase the rate, percentages below 100% decrease the rate.

    More information here