Hello I am practicing to build an e-commerce site using vanilla PHP , I want that when I search for a certain item in search bar even if there is a typo such "trffic" it can still found the item traffic. The code below seems to only work for correct spelling and incomplete words.
<?php session_start();
include 'includes/db_config.php';
$query ="SELECT items.id, items.product_name , items.price , categories.id,
items.image , categories.description, items.category_id FROM items INNER JOIN categories ON items.category_id = categories.id WHERE product_name LIKE '%$searchbar%' OR description LIKE '%searchbar%'"
try this way your query
$query ="SELECT items.id, items.product_name , items.price , categories.id,
items.image , categories.description, items.category_id FROM items INNER JOIN categories ON items.category_id = categories.id WHERE soundex(product_name)=soundex("+$searchbar+") OR soundex(description) = soundex("+$searchbar+")";