I have this method to get token via localstorage, if token is not exist or is expired, I will call API to get another token and store to localstorage.
In this case, which map should I use, currently using mergeMap, or other way to do this?
public doGetToken():Observable<Token> {
return this.loadToken().pipe( //get via localstorage
let valid = this.validateTokenIsValid(token);
let data = {
token: token,
valid: valid
return data;
if (!data.valid) {
return this.doApiGetToken(data.token).pipe(
this.saveToken(token); //save to localstorage
return token;
} else {
return of(data.token);
version: Angular 5, rxjs5
Thank you in advance.
If you only make one request, then it doesn't matter which map you use.
mergeMap (also called flatMap), concatMap , exhaustMap or switchMap will behave the same.
These operators behave differently when you emit more than 1 value:
will apply the mapping to the latest input received:
Src : -----A----B----C--D-E-------
switchMap (x => x--x) // emit x twice when received
Out: ------A--A-B--B-C-D-E--E----
will finish the mapping before taking another input:
Src : -----A----B----C--D-E-----------
concatMap (x => x--x) // emit x twice when received
Out: ------A--A-B--B-C--C--D--D-E--E
is like concatMap, but it doesn't wait for mapping to complete. The results can overlap though:
Src : -----A----B----C-D---E-----------
mergeMap (x => x--x) // emit x twice when received
Out: ------A--A-B--B-C-D-C-D-E--E-----
is like a reversed switchMap, it gives priority to the output:
Src : -----A--------B----C-D---E-----------
exhaustMap (x => x--x--x) // emit x thrice when received
Out: ------A--A--A--B--B--B-D--D--D-------
For more information :
Marble diagrams :
Edit : I moved the simplification of your code to the bottom to make the general information visible at first sight.
public doGetToken(): Observable<Token> {
return this.loadToken()
.pipe( //get via localstorage
mergeMap(token => {
return of(token)
return this.doApiGetToken(token)
tap( token => this.saveToken(token)) //save to localstorage