How to create QML component in such a way that all objects created by the component will be connected in same way?
E.g. I would like the triggered
signal of all objects created by thirdPartyAPI
to be connected to onTriggered
function onTriggered() { }
thirdPartyAPI.factory = Qt.createComponent("Trigger.qml")
I know I can create component, then create objects by the component and then parametrize (connect and set properties) each of created objects.
I use a 3rd party API that takes a component and creates objects inside. I have control over creation of the component but have no access to Component.createObject
calls (it's inside the API).
I would like to obtain an effect similar to this: (I know there's no newObjectCreated
signal on component)
var factory = Qt.createComponent(...)
factory.onNewObjectCreated: {
You can just wrap the object creation procedure into some common function, for example:
function createMyObject(component, parent, params)
var compo = Qt.createComponent(component);
var obj = compo.createObject(parent, params);