I want to remove existing route from RouteCollection and want to add new route with same route name in nopCommerce 4.00 via plugin
Existing route name:
//home page
routeBuilder.MapLocalizedRoute("HomePage", "",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
I Want to replace it with
routeBuilder.MapLocalizedRoute("HomePage", "",
new { controller = "CustomPage", action = "Homepage" });
I tried several ways but not get any luck.
In my case, I have to replace the robots.txt
I created a new public controller in my plugin, and I copy the original action here:
public class MiscCommonController : BasePublicController
#region Fields
private readonly ICommonModelFactory _commonModelFactory;
#endregion Fields
#region Ctor
public MiscCommonController(
ICommonModelFactory commonModelFactory
this._commonModelFactory = commonModelFactory;
#endregion Ctor
#region Methods
//robots.txt file
//available even when a store is closed
//available even when navigation is not allowed
public virtual IActionResult RobotsTextFile()
var robotsFileContent = _commonModelFactory.PrepareRobotsTextFile();
return Content(robotsFileContent, MimeTypes.TextPlain);
#endregion Methods
After this I create a RouteProvider
for my plugin, and I replaced the original route to my own one.
public partial class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
/// <summary>
/// Gets a priority of route provider
/// </summary>
public int Priority => -1;
/// <summary>
/// Register routes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="routeBuilder">Route builder</param>
public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
Route route = null;
foreach (Route item in routeBuilder.Routes)
if (item.Name == "robots.txt")
route = item;
if (route != null) routeBuilder.Routes.Remove(route);
new { controller = "MiscCommon", action = "RobotsTextFile" }
That's all.
After this implementation, the routing works fine, and the get request landed in my own controller, which is act like the original.
Now, I can replace the generation logic with my own.
I hope it helps.